ученикам 11 класса

Это онлайн-тренажёр по говорению

Phonetic Test

The 11th form

Developing speaking skills. Questions for discussion.

Speak on the topic “Brothers and sisters” Remember to say:
  1. how family influences personality;
  2. if birth order is an important factor determining personality;give your reasons;
  3. what benefits of having brothers and sisters are;
  4. what benefits of being an only child are;
  5. what difficulties living with siblings can cause;
  6. what can improve relationships in the family.

Speak on the topic “Lucky breaks” Remember to say:
  • if myths and superstitions affect people’s behavior; give your reasons
  • if you’ve got any good luck rituals or lucky mascots;
  • if you believe in luck; why/why not;
  • about cases of serendipity which caused inventions and discoveries;
  • if intuition is essential in our life;
  • if you are a lucky person; why/why not.

Speak on the topic “Thrill seekers” Remember to say:
  • what makes people try thrilling and challenging activities;
  • which activities you consider to be challenging and risky;
  • why thrill-seeking can be dangerous;
  • if you are a thrill-seeker; why/why not;
  • what your attitude to thrill-seeking is;
  • about the worldwide destinations for thrill-seekers and risk-takers.

Speak on the topic “Followers” Remember to say:
  • if you think fame changes people; give your reasons.
  • which outstanding people of the world do you admire; why;
  • if there are any possible ways to avoid the lime-light;
  • if you think modern world is celebrity-obsessed; why/why not;
  • if following celebrities can affect fans’ well-being; give your reasons;
  • if you think people should have idols; give your reasons.

Speak on the topic “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” Remember to say:
  • what influences people’s perception of beauty;
  • about the meaning of “human beauty”;
  • how beauty can influence a person’s life;
  • what advantages of being fit are;
  • what things people do to improve or change their looks;
  • if you are satisfied with your self-image; give your reasons.

Speak on the topic “Is it fair?” Remember to say:
  • why people become criminals;
  • what type of behaviour you consider to be dangerous and anti-social;
  • what types of crimes you know;
  • what the ways of punishing people for committing crimes are;
  • what the charging with a crime involves;
  • about the most serious crimes the 21st century societies face; give your reasons.

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